
It's my house...

It was 110 degrees outside today and we keep our air conditioning off from 1p.m. to 8 p.m. to keep the electricity bill down. And since I'm the only pathetic bum without a regular job...guess who gets to sit at home and melt all day...

I want to die...


tacy said...

I was worried when I saw this picture cause for a second I thought it was real.

Anonymous said...

"The heat won't bother me because it is a 'dry' heat." I seem to remember hearing that from someone! But I sympathize; there is no way in you-know-where(no pun intended) I would be able to take it!

Katy Wilson said...

to my mother who will undoubtedly check these comments again: i know arizona is hot and if i'm outside i expect to be sweating buckets...but i wasn't planning on my house to be a burning ring of fire...;)

Kevin said...

Hi Randi. Tee hee. :) So, yeah Arizona is hot. The insides of houses in Arizona are hot. Can you image how gross it would be to actually sweat buckets? Grodey. Next time, and by that I mean tomorrow - more than likely - as you sit there sweating, either a) catch it all in a bucket, or b) think to yourself, "Hey at least I'm not sweating a buckets worth." That should provide some entertainment. And, when it doesn't provide you with some entertainment, at least it took your mind off how hot it was. In a kinda-sorta, not really way.

Alanna said...

I love the picture. I think it captures your true thoughts. I hope you are able to find a way to stay cool

Anonymous said...

to my daughter: can't you turn on the air to around 80-82? It seems that it would be more economical to keep the air on (at a higher temp) than let the house heat up all day, then try to cool it down at night. Then it takes more electricity to cool it down. Just a thought.

Unknown said...

"OH POOR KATY!" Not to rub salt in your wounds but it's been almost cold here. It is in the 70's during the day with a cool breeze and then it gets down to the low 60's at night. Wierd weather...but I'm not complaining.
Go to the gym and sit in the pool you are paying for it anyway...right?????

Anna said...

You're a saint for trying to save electricty and melting away because of it. I would die. Good luck.

Alayna said...

Your roommates are insane! Who turns the air off during the day? You are welcome to hang out at my house if you don't feel like sweating buckets...

Anonymous said...

hi katy, i'm a little bit in the same situation as you. i survive with cold showers periodically throughout the day, you should give it a shot. but don't cheat, mostly cool showers with a little bit of warm to take off the edge doesn't count, just take an all out cold water shower and then the heat will feel good for a second...

Anonymous said...

Okay when i first saw this pictures i thought it was suppose to be the great and spacious building..lol. I was wrong, sorry it was so hott!