
I miss...

Halloween...my year begins and ends with Halloween. If all of the sudden I was only able to come home for one holiday...I would probably choose Halloween.

My sisters....I miss them a lot! They call me all the time and they are usually together and usually doing something fun like a. planning a bonfire, b. having an apple taste test, c. painting pottery, or any other fun thing without me.

Sundays at BV2...Sundays are so different now. We used to all go to church, then we would have some group of friends over, usually included Rodney and his roommates. Luke or Rodney would play the piano and we would all sing along. Sometimes Rodney would make cookies, and we would spend the night eating chocolate chip cookies and playing either hand and foot, Elixer, It Came To Pass, or Fill or Bust.....GOOD TIMES!!

Rainy days at NRI where we would have to weed, and if we were feeling really lazy, we would weed the floor...(that sounds weird but the floor really did get weedy)

Fall...I miss the fall more than words can express. I miss it every single day, especially when most of the country is enjoying fall-like temperatures...and we are still in the upper 90's.
And....that is that...


No worries...

Ok, so things haven't been as dramatic as I thought they would be. In fact, it's been really nice at home lately.

I really don't have a single thing to blog about. Same old stuff...

We did finally get cable and DVR at the house, so it's been nice to be able to watch TV again, just in time for all the fall shows to start!!

Me and my roomate Jillian have been watching Prison Break. I didn't have Season 4, but I found it on ebay for pretty cheap, and now I'm just waiting for that to arrive...I forgot how much I LOVED that show!! In the mean time...we've been watching The Office season 5...HILARIOUS! Here is something that has ALWAYS bugged me about the office though: Ryan is played by B.J. Novak and he happens to be one of the writers for the show. If you watch the show, you know that while he is a character in the office, he HARDLY has a main role, but you ALWAYS see him in the opening credits, when there are much more involved characters who aren't shown, and you always see him on posters and stuff...for example:

I don't know why but that has just always really bugged me...

And, that is about the extent of the excitment in my life. Oh, I was called to be the Education Counselor in the Relief Society on Sunday. Yikes........tons of meetings and visits and socials...but I guess it will be good because I have been very uninvolved in my ward this past year...


steer clear...

Föhn: A warm, dry, and often strong wind coming off the lee slopes of a mountain range, especially off the northern slopes of the Alps. A fohn is a katabatic wind that warms as it descends because it has dropped its moisture before crossing the mountain range and is put under greater atmospheric pressure as it moves downward. Various local names are also used for foehns (such as chinook in the Rocky Mountain regions). A fohn can cause sudden and dramatic increases in the temperature—from 10° to 20°C (50° to 68°F) in a few minutes—which can cause snow to melt rapidly and even trigger flooding.

During the tourist season in back at home, my dad used to joke that 'the föhn was blowing'. He told us it was a wind that would blow so horribly that it would drive people to do the most awful things and because they did them when the föhn was blowing...they weren't held accountable for their actions.

I believe that the föhn will be blowing in my house for the next few weeks...


Baseball games and babysitting...

Here is a little update of the past couple of weekends:

Last weekend Jillians parents invited me to go with them to a Diamondbacks game. It was my first professional sporting event...and it as a lot of fun! It was her dads company 'family day' at the game, so they got a complimentary family picture. They insisted I be included...

This Labor Day weekend I got to babysit Cody, the kid of a girl I used to work with at Lane Bryant! (She flew to Virigina to be with her fiance who is in the military) Cody is so adorable! If all my kids could guaranteed be like him, I would pop out a bunch! He NEVER cries or throws a fit, and he love me! ( Which is a lot becuase the only other little kids that really like me are Jennie Macks boys!)


my bad...

So, a couple weeks ago I was in the market for some new car insurance. I had been calling all of the 'mainstream' companies; Geico, Alstate, Progressive...and I think a couple others.
So, I was on the phone with one and the guy that I ended up talking to had a British accent. He sounded EXACTLY like that cute little Geico Gecko...and I thought it was really funny that this Geico representative sounded like that lizard.
So he asked me why I was shopping for car insurance and I said "I think I am paying too much with my current company and that I have lots of friends who haveGeico and they thought I should give them a call....So I am."
After a few seconds of awkward silence, he says "Well, this is Progressive..."
Oh....that's what I meant...


Oh...I see...

I dream every night...and usually pretty detailed dreams...and it's funny for me to think about my dreams throughout the day and figure out where all the weird little detail came from.
For example...
Last night I dreamt that I was getting ready for my wedding...it was really rushed because I had sort of forgotten that I was getting married. I was in a beautiful dress...and I kept yelling at Tacy to call Shanie or Margaret to get a hair appoinment. But...I realized I only had an hour before my wedding...and they were both booked...so I said "Oh, call Laura...she for sure could do my hair!" Meanwhile...I am painting my nails bright pink and bright yellow...really bright...and I remember thinking that those colors were so pretty together.
Anyway...so my day is coming to a close here at the office, and I am gathering the items on my desk and putting them away...and I grab my two stacks of post-its I have sitting here and put them in the drawer...when I immediatly am drawn back to my dream...
The post-its were bright pink and bright yellow...
Funny huh!