
Day 20...

A place you'd like to travel:

This was a hard choice today.  I've always wanted to travel to Egypt...but...there's no way in this world you could pay me to go even close to there now.  And as much as traveling to other places seems fun...I think in reality I would be overwhelmed by the language barrier.  So...I think I would choose Scottland.  It would be cool to see super old castles...and mostly it would be great just to listen to everyone talk!


mom said...

I always wanted to go there too...and to Ireland! Maybe someday. (BTW, Scotland has only one t)...just saying

Jillian said...

I wish traveling wasn't so expensive! Even to get from AZ to NH is going to cost me an arm and a leg. I would choose GREECE! :)

Katy Wilson said...

oh dang...greece would of been an excellent choice for sure!!!!

Lisa and Dan said...

And it just looks like it would be so beautiful. I think that's an amazing choice. I'd like to go there too.