...When you are in the middle of telling someone a story and they interrupt with a completely unrelated comment or question...and then they never tell you to continue with your story (I KNOW I have an interrupting problem...but I am trying to fix it and when I interrupt I A: always tell the person to go back to what they were saying or B: try to only interrupt if it is a question I need an answer to in order to continue doing what I was doing at the moment)
...When roommates who have jobs come home from their jobs and say something like "...so, what did YOU do today..." as though spending the whole day cleaning up the nasty house is nothing
...When you interview for a job and then they tell you after days of anticipation that you were their "second" favorite applicant
...that it cost me $70.00 to fill my tank
...When people think that just because you didn't have to get up at 5:30 a.m. means you have no right to be tired in the afternoon
...When people have to have a comment and have to be right ABOUT EVERYTHING...even if they have no idea what they are talking about and they are so painfully wrong...no matter what the conversation is...they have a comment about it
...When people spend all weekend making nasty nasty jam and then they don't clean it up for days and I end up having to do it even though jam makes me want to barf
...When people who are so obviously quite a bit skinnier than you go on and on about how fat they are
...and even more so when someone says...'Oh stop...you're not fat'....please fool...don't insult my intelligence
...When friends who make 16 more dollars per hour than you NEVER offer to buy lunch or dinner...and you end up picking up the bill and when you make a friendly comment about how you've bought the past few meals... all he can do is go on and on about how many bills he has...as though I don't have any financial obligations
......I love you Katy.
by the way, do your roomies know your blog addy? they totally need to check this out!
It sounds like you have had a bad few days. I am so sorry that things don't seem to be working the way we would hope, but don't let it get you down...it WILL get better, eventually, I know. I love you and pray for you every day!
I dont think you have any reason to complain about a friend not paying for your meals. He paid for the same amount of meals that you did. And for the record he doesnt make more than 16 dolloars an hour than you.
He paid for the BBQ, for lunch, and you paid for lunch and breakfast. Sounds pretty even. Maybe you can consider that he might have a $1000 house payment. and no furniture for his house.
Not to mention that he paid for part of the gas to get you to the airport. And paid for gas as you drove all around Idaho Falls.
i stand corrected...the friend that i may or may not have been referring to in that last 'issue' did buy hamburger and buns for a bbq and also bought me a corn dog...my apologies to any whom i may have mislead...
That's funny, the girls told me they used my credit card to fill your gas tank for the ride to the airport, and to Jackson Hole.
#1-The BBQ cost $28-it was than a burger and a bun.
#2-the corn cost just as much as the breakfast you bought me.
#3-the gas for Jackson didnt covered the gas for Idaho Falls and when we filled up for SLC we were only 3/4's of the way to SLC (it takes at least a full tank to get to and from SLC). This being the case I paid for at least 1/4 of the gas to go to SLC. Also the fact that when we left for Jackson before we filled up I had a half tank of gass, when i got back from SLC I had less than a 1/4 tank of gas which means that i had more than 1/4 less gas when all was said and done then when we started.
#4-if all you are going to do is complain about having to pay for things dont offer to pay for anything in the first place, noone asked you to pay for anything.
#5-I am sorry that you feel you have been taken advantage of.
Oops...looks like more people read you blog than you thought!
This whole issue has been blown out of proportion. It was never about the money, it wasn't about who paid for more. The issue was the attitude about why he shouldn't have had to pay. It didn't bother me to pay for what I paid for, because I was hanging out with my sister and my supposed best friend. Maybe I misjudged. I was frustrated about a lot of things and everything that I was frustrated about came out in the blog...I was venting about everything. I had interviewed for a job that I was almost positive I would get, then when I found out I didn't get it I was reminded about how much money I didn't have, and how much money I had spent in Rexburg...I know, it was my choice to go)...which reminded me all the more of how much I didn't have. But none of them were worth all the drama that this has created. I was never expecting a free meal and I wasn't expecting to lose friendships over such a trivial thing.
Where is your 'things that make me happy' blog?
WHOA! I'm glad I decided to read your comments to this blog. I needed a little drama fix. I actually got worried that the one about interupting was about me, but then I thought 'I love Katy to death, and even if she was talking about me, she wasn't trying to be mean or hateful because I know she's a good friend, and if she is talking about me, I'm glad I know now, and she must just be having a bad day because Katy is the BEST PERSON EVER and would never say something just to make someone mad or hurt their feelings' Then after I thought that I realized that I don't care at all if you were talking about me (plus, I hopefully don't interrupt too much, at least not enough to be blogged about, now watch, that comment was probably about me, huh? j/k) Anyway, I love you to death Katy, even if EVERY SINGLE THING was directed at me. Like my dad says 'You have to CHOOSE to be offended' and I choose not to be. Also, I just heard about a quote from Brigham Young that said something like you're a fool if you get offended by someone who didn't intentially offend you, and an even greater fool if you got offended by someone who was trying to offend you. Boy, could this comment be any longer?!?!
p.s. please forgive any misspelled words, since my computer got cleaned out it doesn't do the automatic spell check like it used to.
i was amazed that you had 13 comments. it kind of reminded me of stupid rocky and bullwinkle in the paper.
I don't know who the other anonymous is, but honestly, "me thinks thou doth protest too much!"
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