I went up to Rexburg for the 4th of July weekend and had alot of fun. I took tons of pictures...mostly because I knew I had a blog to keep updated and I wanted alot of evidence. We watched the Maleleuca Fireworks (which were so very very worth the visit)...we went to Jackson Hole...we did alot of fun stuff...I'll let the pictures do most of the explaining...
(Note: these pictures are not in order of how they happened...that would taken a little more patience than I have...)
(This sign and the one below it are two funny signs we saw...DTR (for those that might not know) is also known as determine/define the relationship...this is talk that you supposedly have with your boyfriend/girlfriend to see exactly where the relationship is going....and the picture below is a company found right outside of Jackson Hole...)
(Waiting for fireworks to start)
(Mom...does that bring back memories?!)
(While we were walking around Jackson...at one point I turned around and there was this scene behind me...I thought it looked so fake...Like a backdrop from The Sound of Music or something..I don't know if the picture does justice to how fake it looked...)
(These are the Tetons...we drove though them to get to Jackson)
(This is my awful sunburn I got from watching the Rexburg 4th of July Parade...I wear my glasses now instead of my contacts so the sunburn line on my nose isn't as noticable)
(We had V.I.P. seating for the fireworkds...but not V.I.P. parking...so we had to walk quite a ways go get there....but it was very worth it...)
(Rodney got bored with the parade...)
(This is me waiting for the parade to begin....PRE sunburn!)
(Just hanging out at Rodneys)
That is a good summary of the weekend...Tacy will have maybe some different pictures and probalby some funny stories to tell so check out her blog...but give her a few days because I took her SD card with all the pictures...
Wow, Katy. Looks like you hads lots of fun. More than I did for sure. I had to work so evryone else could go see Miley Cyrus make some more money for Billy Ray's lame hairdo.
Well, I thought I was a man that had everything, but now that I've seen that crotch protector thing in the window, I realize that, sadly, I do not. Especially if it comes with a tail!!
Oh, and you have the close-up picture of you, Tacarine & Rodney twice. Just, FYI.
thanks for picking the worst pictures of me to post. i'll return the favor.
I am glad you got a picture at the antler arch. Somewhere there is a picture of me and Cliff standing under that arch when we were kids. How come you sunburn in Rexburg but don't in Arizona (or are you not outside that much in Arizona?) Looks like you had a lot of fun. I am glad it was worth it!
dear katy, i like your haircut and your sunburn. but your haircut more.
love always.
I just love the fourth of July! I am glad you had a great holiday!
I love your pictures! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Sorry about the sunburn. ouch. Your hair cut is so cute. I love it!!
it looks like you had fun. sometimes i miss rexburg....
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