
Thanks Kevin...

Another tag...and I'm glad.

Okay, the rules are thus - Link back to the person who tagged you. Post 6 un-important things about yourself. Tag 6 other people and let them know you tagged 'em. Enjoy!

1. Since Kevin started off with something about his ears...I will too. I hate mine. I hate my ears a lot. It's not the actual ear part...but the lobe (lobe...that is a funny word)...I think my earlobes are HUGE and therefore you will rarely find me without a pair of earrings in and when I accidentally forget to put them back in after showering or something I feel very self conscience all day about it....BUT....I LOVE other peoples ears...and I like it when other people touch my ears (sounds weird....I know) Just ask Tacy...when we were younger I couldn't fall asleep unless I was playing with her ears!

2. I have a pressed penny collection...(I have been thinking of posting a blog dedicated to this subject so I wont' go into detail right now...but stay tuned)

3. I loath...and I mean hate with a fiery passion...jam...jelly...and maple syrup...and cinnamon rolls...and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in the world that does. Even the smell of maple syrup or cinnamon rolls makes me very nauseous.

4. I find myself attracted to every gay guy I meet....hence why I dated Austin all though high school I suppose.

5. One summer my family went on vacation to out west with my dads sisters. I brought my Walkman and about halfway across Iowa I realized that I hadn't brought any tapes to listen to...So we stopped at Wal-Mart and my mom let me get one tape to listen to...so I chose Garth Brooks 'Greatest Hits'. I listened to that tape the whole way out there...all around Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore...and all the way back. To this day I can still sing every word from every song on that tape...and when I hear one of the songs on the radio (not that I have country gracing my radio every day) I still expect to hear the next song on the tape.

6. When Jessie was a little girl, she had a HORRIBLE snoring problem. And, most of the time she would sleep on the bottom of mine and Tacy's bunk beds with me. Most of the time, while she was sleeping and snoring....I would plug her nose to force her to breath out of her mouth so she would stop snoring. The scary thing was...is that is would take her quite a few seconds to realize she wasn't breathing...so by the time she did...she would be gasping for air....(now that I think about this it was sort of mean). She did have her adenoids taken out when she was in kindergarten and the doctor said she had the biggest adenoids of anyone he had ever seen.


Anonymous said...

The first word you ever said was 'ear'. When you were a toddler, I always knew when you were tired because you would say 'ear...ear' and want me to pick you up. Then you would fall asleep rubbing my ear. Guess you haven't outgrown that.
p.s. so who do you tag?

Kevin said...

You're welcome. ;)

So, who DO you tag? And well spotted Mom Nelson. And I didn't type that that way cuz I don't know the name, in case y'all was thinkin' that... it's Sister, right? :D

I'm going to bring a can of maple syrup with me next time I see you...

Is that Garth Brooks album the one with Lonesome Dove on it? I liked that song. And I had that cd. Many of the songs still rattle around in my noggin' too.

Unknown said...

Who did you Tag Katie? I think it is funny about the ear thing. Marty makes me rub his ears in church. When Sister Sato was here she told me "rubbing ears is very good for the health"..whatever that means. So be healthy and get your ears rubbed every chance you get. lol or come home and I'll do it. I'm a pro now. :)

Alayna said...

I love that you tried to suffocate your sister! Snoring drives me crazy and I probably would have done the same thing.

Just out of curiosity, what is going on with that JP (?) guy?

Anonymous said...

kit..what if i died from you plugging my nose!