
I need to know...

I was talking to a guy at my office (not the same one reffered to in a previous post) and I mentioned to him that I had just finished paying off my student loan and he said "Wait...you have a degree?" and I said "Yes" and he says "A B.S.?" and I said "Yes" and he says "Then what they heck are you doing working this job? You need to get a real job."

Am I a pathetic loser because I don't have a real job? I like my job. I like the people I work with, I like what I do. Ya, I'm not making bank, but I'm doing fine.

Am I a pathetic loser becuase my job isn't in my major? Am I a pathetic loser because I spent 20 years on violin lessons, and didn't major in music?

What is a real job anyway. I get paid. I come to work every day. I have responsibilities. People depend on me for things. Someones day would be a little worse if I wasn't around.

I think...


Anonymous said...

the guy from your office to which you refer in this message is an ass.

mom said...

I agree with Jake. What is his idea of a 'real job'? You like what you do and you get paid for it...what more can you ask!

Lyd said...

Agree with Jake and your mom. As long as you enjoy what you do, then who gives a care! It's better to like what you do than the dread going to someplace where you'd rather not be.

Sarah Harward said...

I know that my day would be a LOT worse if you weren't around!! And I completely agree with what everyone else has said. I would totally consider what you do a 'real' job. I don't think you're at all a loser for not majoring in music, or even working in the field of your degree. It just makes you a well rounded person!! I think you're great!!

ashlie said...

hardly anyone actually does what they major in. that is such a dumb thing for someone to say..."get a real job." a lot of people cant say that they actually like their job and that they like the people they work with. that is hard to come by a lot of times. so that guy is an ass. end of story.

tacy said...

there is nothing wrong with what you do! stupid derek!
This is why I graduated in University Studies, there is no right or wrong job for it

Jessie said...

I agree with everyone! He is a dumb person for saying that. I think if you like what you do then you should do it.

Unknown said...

:) I think you should do what makes you happy. I know a lot of very miserable people who make Bank and have no fun, hate there jobs and are waiting for....what? Do what makes you feel good and smile the whole time. :)

Wilkerson Family said...

I think you should do what makes you happy. I agree with Sarah, an education makes you a well rounded person. I hate it when people say you went to school just to stay at home. It's the same kind of thing. Getting a degree and doing something else doesn't make you a loser.

Kevin said...

So many people in the world work at jobs that have nothing to do with their degrees. It's a load of hogwash. Of course, I say this as I am planning on going back to school to finish my degree...

Oh, and way to go on paying off your loans! I can't fathom that...