I'm a little fustrated by these three things today:

1. That I have to work today when most other people are not...

2. That big fat greasy juicy hamburgers are so yummy, but can contain up to 1200 calories if you pick the right one.

3. That Taye never got the opportunity to meet me before he settled with Idina. (This bothers me on a regular basis, not just today)
I'm sorry that you have to work :(
It's hard to believe that something like a hamburger can contain all of your calories for the day. That isn't fair.
And I'm sure you'll find someone just as beautiful as Taye someday. :)
Kitten, I am sure that if Taye ever did meet you. He would of fallen in love with you!
Well...I can agree with 2 of those 3 things. As far as Taye is concerned, isn't he a little old for you?
first of all...tuna...i do not claim to have excellent grammar...especially when commenting and texting...but seriously.... did you put a period in the middle of that one sentece? and you even capitalized the next word. how funny. and second...no...he is not too old for me.
Poor Katy. You know what bothers me about hamburgers? The Jenny Craig commercial says why have this meal on the right (and shows a greasy nasty burger with 7 french fries) or this meal on the left (and it shows a hamburger filled with lettuce and tomatoes and a huge salad with veggies on it and a fruit bowl and it looks so yummy but the fine print says veggies and fruits added) so really all you get is a beef patty. That is so deceiving. And i know my grammar isn't correct in this comment.
(I was going to comment but i am afraid of grammar tests and my grammar sucks and the stress of it all is just too much for me) *panic attack*
I too love your sisters' grammar. And I too love me a good hamburger from time to time. It's a shame...all of it.
Uh...I am not sure you are one to talk about grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. At least she knows how to capitalize. All of you need to use spell check once in a while (or at least proofread)!
Dear Katy - I had to work on MLK day too, although I must admit I got about as much work done as if I had the day off anyway.
Also; I like. Jessie's, grammar?
If it makes you feel better I had to work on Martin Luther King Jr day too.
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