As much as I sometimes hate this show...I can't help but watch it season after season after season... And EVERY season I think of Jennie Mack, Alanna, Sarah...and all the Survivor fans back in college...good times...

Since I am all caught up with Prison Break and I have to wait an entire week between episodes...I have taken up a new show...( I promise I do have a life...I actually work a lot...sometimes 13 hours a day...) Now I watch Private Practice...and I really like it...
It is a spin off of Greys Anatomy (which I did not watch) and I am only 4 episodes into it but I think I'm convinced. The second season airs on TV October 1st I think...
There is just one minor issue...I am pretty sure there is no way I am going to have a fulfilling life unless I marry Taye Diggs and become the mother of his adorable children...
One final thought... why on earth when they have an article about Clay 'coming out' do they have to show this picture...this is obviously not what he is like in real life...so unrealistic...
For crying out loud...

I have been asked by many of you if I am doing ok in this time of ...distress...and I want to you all know that I am fine. Clay may never want to be the father of my children (which is good since I'm sort of busy with Taye) but he can DEFINITELY still be my best friend in the whole wide world and I still think he is missing out by not knowing I exist...
Oh good gracious I nearly busted a gut on that Clay Aiken picture. WOW.
But, yeah, Taye's got it going on, eh?
I agree that Clay is missing out by not knowing you exist! I still have to watch Survivor from last night. I was at the 'Brian Regan' concert, so I had to record it (and the Office). We watched The Office last night when we got home, but I still haven't caught Survivor.
Wow! If that outfit Clay is wearing doesn't scream "Flamer" I don't know what does...
P.S. I missed Survivor last night. When are we going to have a Survivor party? And I thought you were a Grey's fan. I did watch it last night but it wasn't quite what I had hoped for...
I too watched survivor last night abd thought of our good ole survivor parties! We sure had fun.
I was just thinking about the whole 'Jennie Mack's secret girl name' and wondering the same thing! I think I'll shoot her and e-mail and ask her to share...
I watched the first season of private practice and loved it! I knew i recognized paul from prison break from something else!
Just FYI: Jennie Mack is checking with Will to see if it's okay if she tells me the girl name. She did ask if I knew what I was having (boy or girl) maybe she's afraid I'll steal the name...
Hey-I found you through Anna's blog. I was in your ward in 02-03 and I LOVE private practice. I started watching last year, thinking I'd hate it since I wasn't a big Addison fan on Grey's. Watched it last night and was thinking, "Taye Diggs fills out every outfit he wears. You can see just a little bit of his perfect bisceps in every shirt."
You might have to share him with me.
p.s. my name is Alyssa Epperson. Grew up knowing Kaysi Booth in Kansas
You crack me up!!! I remember the fun we had....ok moments gone...but seriously I like your blog!!!
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