Halloween...my year begins and ends with Halloween. If all of the sudden I was only able to come home for one holiday...I would probably choose Halloween.

My sisters....I miss them a lot! They call me all the time and they are usually together and usually doing something fun like a. planning a bonfire, b. having an apple taste test, c. painting pottery, or any other fun thing without me.

Sundays at BV2...Sundays are so different now. We used to all go to church, then we would have some group of friends over, usually included Rodney and his roommates. Luke or Rodney would play the piano and we would all sing along. Sometimes Rodney would make cookies, and we would spend the night eating chocolate chip cookies and playing either hand and foot, Elixer, It Came To Pass, or Fill or Bust.....GOOD TIMES!!

Rainy days at NRI where we would have to weed, and if we were feeling really lazy, we would weed the floor...(that sounds weird but the floor really did get weedy)

Fall...I miss the fall more than words can express. I miss it every single day, especially when most of the country is enjoying fall-like temperatures...and we are still in the upper 90's.
poor kit :(
1: You'll be home in a month and six days, and a few days after that will be halloween!
2: You'll see your sisters in a month and six days!
3: I miss Sunday's in Rexburg as well...but yours were probably more memorable than mine. When you come home, we can go for a sunday drive :)
4: I'm sure dad will let you stop drawing on a pumpkin long enough to weed the floor of the greenhouse...all you need is about an hour and you'll remember that it is kinda boring.
5: when you come home (in a month and six days) it'll be fall!!!!!
I miss having you here for all those things too (except the Sundays with BV2...but I miss hearing about them). Maybe next time you decide you need a change, you could pick somewhere that is not quite so far away . . . and that has seasons (after all, you did get an SUV so you could drive in the snow!) Most of all, I miss you!
I miss you too, and if you're ready for a change, I can start looking for a job for you here in Indiana!!
Indiana would be nice. You have till next June to think about it. Maybe by then, Tacy and Jessie will be ready to go too! Wouldn't that be fun!
I LOVE FALL! I could never live away from the seasons, well I could do without summer, but the rest is the best!
P.S I miss you too! And I can't wait for you to be home!
Hmmm.......I don't know that I want to live with Tuna and Katy for the rest of my life.....not that I don't love you two, but I just don't see it happening.
And yes, hopefully by June I'll be financially stable enough to move.
Katy! I didn't know you lived in Tempe! I'm flying to Tempe this Friday! You should call or text me and maybe we could meet up while I'm there. My number is (502)974-4155. I think... Haha. I have a friend that lives there and is moving to Provo and I'm driving back with her. Anyway, let me know. We'll be there Friday night and Saturday morning.
Oooo... You could move with me and then you would have fall!! and Winter. And we could have fun on Sundays that would be noteworthy of talking to your mom about. Although i will tell you now I wont sing. Sound like a plan?
I miss those college days too! I loved the time that we were all together this last year! It was great to reminisce. I too love the fall...the air, smell, activities, foods, etc! The only thing I don't like is that the snow is around the corner!
Oddly enough I miss a lot of those things too. We should start doing fun things on Sundays. I think those are perfect days to get friends together to make cookies and play games.
pS: i love that most of the pictures we have of dad he is in that position. haha
I love fall too and miss it like crazy... :(
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