There have been endless instances since I moved to the AZ where me and Ashlie have said something to the effect of "Hey... (insert band name here) is in town in a couple weeks...we are definately going to that!" or "Wow...(insert some interesting thing to do here) is going on next week...we are definately going" ...
But...our 'going out and doing something' experiances have been...zero...
Well...we leave the house and stuff on the weekends but it usually just consists of going to Extreme Pita...or Applebee's for happy hour... or the $5.00 pizza buffet down the street...or if we are feeling crazy...it might be a trip to Texas Roadhouse or The Pita Jungle...
But....this sad tale is true no longer....
This weekend me and Ashlie and Alayna are going to see JIM GAFFIGAN!!!!!!
I highly recommend going to YouTube and looking up his skit on vegitarians or cake....
It's too funny...
I did notice that most of your 'going out' experiences involve food. Congratulations on finally moving on!
correction....ALL of my going out experiance include food
This guy is in the show My Boys he is so funny! thats way fun!
Thanks for the intro. I enjoyed the cake video. We are going to Brian Regan on the 25 and are totally stoked.
so what became of the show? was it good?
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