So, there I was, minding my own business, getting dressed after taking a shower. I went into my laundry room to get my freshly dried (and by freshly dried I mean I threw the clothes in the dryer 2 days ago) sweatshirt. Now, mind you, I shower with my contacts in, and when I wash my face, they tend to get twisted around a little in my eyeball and my contacts are such that they have to be sitting the perfect direction on my eye or my vision is a little blurry...dang astigmatism) So, I am fumbling around in my dryer looking for my hoodie and I'm pulling clothes out and I grabbed one of my shirts and there was this crunchy little brown thing hooked on it. At first, I thought it was a pine cone. But, as I picked it up, it was no pine cone, IT WAS A FREAKIN DEAD BAT! Ya, a bat, in my dryer, on my clothes. So, I toss it back in the dryer and run to my kitchen where I promptly called my parents...it's just instinctive, I don't really know what I expected them to do. So, I'm freaking out on the phone trying to decide whether it really was a bat or a pine cone ... I'm sure you can imagine the scene. Needless to say, it wasn't a pine cone, there was a real dead bat in my dryer. I have no idea how it got there and I just pray that it was an orphan and that I've seen the last of it.
That is crazy! I can only imagine the scene when you discovered the dead bat! Similar to if you had touched a foot! :)
that is SICK!! I hope you rewashed your stupid shirt.
Smith says that is gross too!
I still think its just sad, and i swear it has dried blood around his mouth in the 3rd picture. Which means it was a vampire bat, AKA edward cullins your vampire lover man minus the fact that he is not a bat but still....
OH MY GOSH! Are you kidding me?!? That is creepy! Oh, it gives me the shivers! I can't believe that. The strangest things happen to you! AHH!!
I just showed Steven the pictures and told him the story and he said 'NO WAY! That's like as bad as having a snake come up the toilet and bite your bum' Random, I know, but still creepy!!
How crazy is that?! I can't even image how I would react to finding a dead bat in my house. I hope it doesn't haunt you forever and make you scared of dryers.
Also... I think I want Chris to win porject runway, though Christian is a better designer than Chris.
That is one of the weirdest and craziest things I have ever heard. i can't help but think of how funny it would have been to see you react. I hope you never have that experiance again.
Wait a minute! That thing has fur, ears, a grotesque little mouth and tiny little wings. Are you sure it's not a pinecone?
NO WAY! I just can't believe it, and thanks for giving me a new fear. I'll never check the dryer again without breaking out in a cold sweat and imagining scenes from Batman Begins (remember that cave scene)
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