Today I am doing another homage to the radio show ... it's called "Does that make me crazy?" I heard it a couple days ago and it got me thinking about the weird things I do that may seem 'crazy' to others...
Here were some of the examples from the show:
'I dig through my kids dirty diapers after they come back from the babysitter to see what she fed them....DOES THAT MAKE ME CRAZY?'
'I order 5 things separately from the same store online, and then I order them all with different shipping rates so that I get them all at different times and it's like presents all week...DOES THAT MAKE ME CRAZY?'
'I keep stink bombs in my car so that if I get pulled over, I light one, and then I can get out of a ticket cause he thinks I'm having a 'problem'...DOES THAT MAKE ME CRAZY?'
'I have to put 13 swipes of my deodorant on under each arm...DOES THAT MAKE ME CRAZY?'
So...I have come up with a few of my own:
'When I wear socks, they have to match PERFECTLY...and I don't mean just the same color and style, but every weird detail has to match, if one of the ankles is really stretched out, the other ankle has to be really stretched out...if one of them is really stained, the other has to be really stained, etc...DOES THAT MAKE ME CRAZY?'
'I WILL NOT use mis-matched shampoo or conditioner...the brand (and preferably the specific type of brand ( you know, ones for volume or ones for shine or ones for color protection) ) has to be the same or I will skip the conditioning part entirely...DOES THAT MAKE ME CRAZY?'
'For some reason that I cannot explain, I always turn on and off my lights when I get in my car...DOES THAT MAKE ME CRAZY?'
So....tell us... what do you do that MAKES YOU CRAZY?
conditioner=not crazy
car=not crazy
just being you...crazy :)
I've got one...
When I walk under trees that have low hanging foliage I bite the leaves off like I'm a dinosaur. Does that make me crazy?
eating like a dinosaur=certifiably crazy...you need a perscription or something
biting leaves = just plain weird
everything Katy listed = crazy
I am sure I don't do anything that would be considered crazy!
not true mom. but i'll let you live in ignorance.
I'm the same way with socks. I actually finally threw all my socks away and bought ALL THE SAME KIND, and then about 6 months later I bought some more (of that same kind) and now, if one sock older and so it looks a little more stained or worn on the bottom, I have to wear another old sock, not a newer one that is whiter and newer looking. So I don't think the sock thing makes you crazy!
Anytime I eat M&M's I have to eat them in even numbers (2 at a time or 4 at a time) and I have to have the colors match (red and blue, orange and brown, green and yellow, I will sometimes allow different matches, but those are my preferences) I'm pretty sure that DOES MAKE ME CRAZY!
This M&M thing is true except for when I eat Peanut M&M's. Then I always eat them one at a time, and I bite the candy shell off one half of the M&M, so the other half is half candy shell and the whole peanut. Then I eat the other half. DOES THAT MAKE ME CRAZY?
If something happens to one side of my body, I feel the intense need for it to happen to the other. Even if it isn't plesant. If I bump one arm on the door frame, I'll often pat my other arm in the same spot to make it 'even'. Or if my kids kiss one cheek, I make them kiss the other too. DOES THAT MAKE ME CRAZY?!
(i'm starting to feel like i really am crazy!)
Okay, I think anytime someone wants to peruse the contents of a dirty diaper they are definitely crazy.
I think there's a difference between crazy & OCD. Mind you, not a big difference.
Hahaha. I'm going to start paying closer attention to the things I do, and I might start taking dino bites out of low hanging branches. That just sounds too fun.
A good friend overlooks your "crazies" and loves you anyway!! ...signed a good friend.
Just a couple of my crazies.....
My underoos alway have to match the outfit I am wearing that day. Ex. Pink sweater = Pink underwear. Purple T = Purple underwear. I never mix stripes and plads florals are ok no matter what. I don't really believe this makes me crazy, just well coordinated!!
I always give my cats the same odd number of treats when I leave in the mornings. 1, 3, 5, never 2 or 4 and each cat gets the exact same amount. Does THAT make me a crazy cat lady?
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