HOLY STINKIN' CRAP!! (that's kind of gross when it's written out. Sorry!) I'd know that hair any where! That's crazy! Remember when we were playing hide and seek in a building on campus once (I don't remember the name of the building) and we saw a clip from a paper posted in the hall that was about or by your dad? He's a secret celebrity!!
Tacy text me about this today!! So fun! YAY!! Now I can claim that I semi-know that person! :D
HOLY STINKIN' CRAP!! (that's kind of gross when it's written out. Sorry!) I'd know that hair any where! That's crazy! Remember when we were playing hide and seek in a building on campus once (I don't remember the name of the building) and we saw a clip from a paper posted in the hall that was about or by your dad? He's a secret celebrity!!
Wow, that's really great! and an awesome picture too!!
Oh my gosh how funny! I will have to look at my book when I get home today.
I wish I had a current version. Serves me right, I guess..
I just flipped to that page. Awesome. :)
I love that it is 20+ years old and he doesn't really look any different.
Now that was fun!!!!
That is super funny.
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