This sounds like a forward you would get on your email...or a dateline special report...
In fact I HAVE gotten forwards like this and heard stuff about this on the news...
My boss Dave calls me into his office this morning to show me an email he got from the lady in his ward who used to be the Primary President (Dave was in the bishopric until last Sunday, and was over the Primary...so it wasn't uncommon for him to email with this lady). It was from her and her husband...saying they had taken a trip to London and had gotten robbed...all of their money and passports and credit cards were stolen. They were looking for anyway who could wire them some money. I didn't read through the whole thing...but it looked like it gave an address and information about how to get the money to them. Well...of course Dave freaks out, trying to figure out what he can do to help, but forwards it to his Bishop first to see if he knew anything about it. The Bishop calls the couples house, and of course they are home and when they go to check their email...they can't log in because they 'don't' have the right password'...
CRAZY huh...like I said I've heard about all sorts of stuff like that in forwards and warnings on the news...but never heard of it happening to someone I know! I guess these people don't even have to hack into your email... If you just put enough info out on blogs or facebook, like your old high school and the town where you grew up...and then they can create accounts and stuff and add you as a friend and 'pose' as someone you used to know or someone you 'should remember' from high school or whatever...and then explain their 'situation' and try to get money out of you...
It's crazy...
I actually got this same e-mail from Caseys cousin. Wierd
Just the other day my friend (and other 4th grade teacher) got a similar email...saying that a friend of hers was stuck in England and needed money wired to them. CRAZY! Good thing she looked in to it!!
I did see this on Dateline...but I have never known anyone that it happened to. I have gotten weired things sent via facebook that I know those people wouldn't send, so I know someone has hacked them. It really makes me want to not post anything, ever!
I was in Ireland last week when I got an email from my cousins husband saying exactly the same thing. They were on their way back to the USA and he used his computer at Gatwick airport. These hackers are ruthless. I was shocked and frightened when I got the email because I really thought that it was from him. It described his attack and it sounded so real. Anyway, after rereading it several times in disbelieve..... I realized it just didn't make sense for him to use the wording in the email. I decided to wait until I could get in touch with their daughter but before I could I got an email from him telling us all that his computer had been hacked. Terrible things these hackers do.
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