
These are a few of my favorite things...

I don't have any pictures of my house yet...for two reasons:
1. My room is still unpacked.
2. I have found my camera...and then I find my SD cards...but I haven't successfuly put the two together yet (and I'm not even sure how they got separated in the first place)

So, for now, here are a few things I have discovered I'd been missing out on:

Fabric softener. I have always used the dryer sheets...but when I was home in February for my dad's head stuff, I did some laundry and the clothes smelled FABULOUS when they were done. My clothes always smelled good, and clean, but not FABULOUS. My mom told me it was probably the fabric softener. So, I decided to buy some the other day, and today I can't stop smelling my shirt! It is...FABULOUS! I use Snuggle brand because when I was little I won a Snuggle Bear in some contest, and I still have it, so I feel connected to that brand.

I have to admit I have not actually been to Trader Joe's yet...but I fully intend on being a faithful customer. I had heard of this store, but never went because I knew it was healthier stuff, and therefore I thought it was going to be really expensive. My roomate Jillian began shopping there a few weeks ago, and she says that it is actually pretty cheap, and they have alot of variety. They don't neccessarily have alot of things, but they have alot of variety for the things they do have. (Does that make sense). Most importantly they have these cookies that say "Ginger kitten cookies...for people!" Jillian had then on her counter forever and I thought that they were her cat's cookies. But they aren't...and they are DELICIOUS...
And that brings me be point #3.

Ginger. I love ginger. I can't get enough of it. I cook with it, and order things with the ginger in the title. It is just so good...


tacy said...

I love ginger snap cookies! make sure to have some on hand when I'm there in July

Alayna said...

Yes, snuggle is amazing! Can't live without it. I have always thought that people who use the dryer sheets are missing out...