
The ABC's of Katy...

  I have been working on a good blog post in my head for a few days now...but I dont' have it quite firgured out yet, so I saw this on a friends blog and thought I would copy it just to get a new post up in the meantime!

Age: 29
Bed size:  King
Chore you hate:  Putting away the clothes I folded
Dessert:  Cherry Chocolate Cake, or Caseys donuts
Essential start of the day: McDonald breakfast...but I'm trying to break that habit...
Favorite color: anything that is glittery... but especially purple glittery
Gold or Silver: Gold
Height: 5'6"
Instruments you play: violin and piano
Job Title: administrative assistant for now at least
Kids: 2 step kids at the moment
Live: Apache Junction
Mom's name:  Kathy
Nickname: Katy, Kitten, Kit, katarina violin mandolin trombone
Overnight hospital stays: none since I was a baby
Pet peeve: teenagers
Quote from a movie: it is causing me anxiety to come up with a good one, so I'm not picking any
Right or left handed: right
Siblings: two sisters and a brother, I think, I haven't spoken to him in over a year so I'm not sure
Time you wake up: usually 7:15 on a work day or 8:30 on a non work day.
Underwear: I wear them yes.
Vegetables you dislike: lima beans
What makes you late: traffic
X-rays you've had done: I had a chest x-ray done a long time ago, and teeth x-rays even longer than that
Yummy food you make: my family is a fan of a carolina BBQ chicken that I make sometimes
Zoo animal: giraffe


mom said...

I am so glad to know that you wear underwear!

Tuna said...

Two things

1- You forgot about kitten caboodle oodle doodle

2- I read a book to the children today about a girl you didn't eat her lima beans and she got a BAD case of the stripes!'

Thanks all

Love Tuna

Wilkerson Family said...

fun post
Pet peeve: teenagers
love it