
to do list...

wedding invite....check

wedding dress...check

plane tickets...check

Everything else I have to do...NO CHECK!



Kevin said...

When's the big day?

Alayna said...

Ah, Kevin...you read my mind. Yes, when is the big day...and where??

mom said...

So you made the list of what you have done, now make the list of what needs to be done...oh wait...there probably isn't enough room. Kevin & Alayna: October 8th in Nauvoo

Katy Wilson said...

October 7th...we get married on the 7th and the reception is on the 8th.

Unknown said...

Lol at least you have a DATE!!! :) I am so excited!!!!

Wilkerson Family said...

Congratulations. Now you have to fill me in on all the details. Where did you meet? Is he from Az? Where will you be living? You know all the little things like that :)