Föhn: A warm, dry, and often strong wind coming off the lee slopes of a mountain range, especially off the northern slopes of the Alps. A fohn is a katabatic wind that warms as it descends because it has dropped its moisture before crossing the mountain range and is put under greater atmospheric pressure as it moves downward. Various local names are also used for foehns (such as chinook in the Rocky Mountain regions). A fohn can cause sudden and dramatic increases in the temperature—from 10° to 20°C (50° to 68°F) in a few minutes—which can cause snow to melt rapidly and even trigger flooding.
During the tourist season in back at home, my dad used to joke that 'the föhn was blowing'. He told us it was a wind that would blow so horribly that it would drive people to do the most awful things and because they did them when the föhn was blowing...they weren't held accountable for their actions.
I believe that the föhn will be blowing in my house for the next few weeks...
Oh, I'm so very curious what this all means. I totally remember your dad saying that. As I was reading the definition of fohn I kept thinking 'This sounds familiar. Where have I heard this?' then as I read the rest of your blog I remembered. Just in case you wanted to know my thought process while I read your blog.
You better fill me in on the details!
Well there's a cliff hanger for ya!!!
I can probably guess why....
Ryan and Calvin made t-shirts for all of us one year that read "The Fohn is blowing..." that we could wear as a warning to all the stupid tourists. I took that t-shirt on my mission and one day was wearing it on a p-day in a store and this lady with a think German accent came up to me and said " How do you know vat zat is??" And I could say, "oh yes I do":)
oh no!! I'm going to need details! Plus I'm a little upset because my blog thing didn't tell me at all yesterday that you had posted a new blog and now I see you wrote this a day ago. lame!
I get smarter every time I read your blog. :) I did not know all that. I am not sure if I want to know the rest. Good luck.
I,like everyone else, desperately need to know what is going on!!!! Is there something I can help you with??
KATY! Barenaked Ladies song Crazy ABC's has FOHN for F but pronounces it like Phone, instead of Fern, and says "It's a kind of wind". hmmmmmm
ok, ok....it's looking like in German fohn would be pronounced "fern"...which would explain why dad says "fern"
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