
Happy Mothers Day Mom!

Since I am poor, an didn't get anything for my mom for Mothers Day...I will dedicate my blog you her today! (I did make her a card, but it is still sitting on my kitchen table.)

Here are some reasons my mom deserves to have a great Mothers Day today!

1. She lets me call her every morning on my way to work and talks to me...sometimes even when I'm on my way to get lunch.
2. She always keeps an eye on Southwest.com for me, just in case there is a deal I shouldn't pass up.
3. When she does find such a deal, she books my flight for me, and even though I read off my credit card information to her, she never uses it.
4. She has to deal with...well, you know who she had to deal with all the time, and she does it with alot more charity and patience than anyone I know.
5. She ALWAYS comments on my blog...and is usually the first or close to the first person to do so.
6. She sends me 'just because' emails sometimes.
7. And of course, cause she is the best mom ever!

Thanks mom, for being my mom! I'll see ya in a few weeks!


Sarah Harward said...

Your mom is great! And if I may add onto your #4- she really is the most generous person I know!! Seriously! She paid for my housing my last year of college, just because she's so great and nice!! Also, if it wasn't for her being so generous to offer my my old job back at the fudge factory that summer, I would never have met my husband and would have been so poor I probably would have had to drop out of school (okay, that's last part is a bit extreme, but it's true about finding my husband). I agree, your mom is great!!

mom said...

You are so great! I couldn't get a better Mother's Day gift! Thank You!

Unknown said...

You do have an awesome MOM!!! I am so glad she is my friend. I am grateful for her influence in the lives of my children. She has been Amber's primary teacher and now her Laurel adviser. Thanks Katy for sharing your mom with us. She is AWESOME!!!

tacy said...

yay!! We go have a WONDERFUL mom!!

We're All Wright said...

This is such a wonderful Mothers Day gift for your mom. Nothing is better than your kids appreciating you!