
The Week In Pictures...

I am back in Arizona now...and I wanted to get the pictures up quickly...which is why I'm doing it at 2 in the A.M...

When they shaved his head for the surgery...they forgot a little bit...but I think they did that on purpose.

My mom playing nurse and taking my dads pulse...

This was the day after we got home...4 days after the surgery...his eyes swelled up, but this picture doesn't really show it very well...

Our dumb dog has to be right on top of you sometimes...it's out of control.
Just so everyone knows...he is recovering very well. He has never taking any pain medication because I guess he isn't in pain. He can't bend over or lift anything heavier than a half-gallon of milk for the next month...and he can't go back to work for a month either. He did call the doctor on Tuesday though to see if he could go back to work for a few hours...he said no.
Surprise surprise.


Sarah Harward said...

Oh my goodnes!! Not only is your dad's head shaved, but he has a rat tail! I hop you guys shaved tha toff for him! I'm glad he's doing so well! Hope he doesn't go crazy since he can't work for a month.

Anonymous said...

I checked your blog at 3 am our time and this wasn't up yet. Why didn't you go to bed?! The pictures turned out good though. Thank you so much for coming...we miss you already!

JHayes said...

Yeah, it's kind of insulting for a man who has trained multiple generations how to prune things properly to have a hack-job haircut. Otherwise, he looks great, we wish him a speedy recovery. Oh, and I'd wager that as I'm typing this he's probably already snuck down to the greenhouses.:)

Kevin said...

Man, I dunno why, but it's really awesome to see your dad with a shaved head. Glad he's doing well.

Laura said...

Oh My Gosh he is so handsome!! I know he loves his hair, but he really can pull off the bald thing really well. Hey if you guys leave the little patch in the back you could send him to the airports and have him hand out flowers. Ha ha.
Glad all is going well.

Unknown said...

He sounds like Marty trying to go back to work when he has no business getting out of bed. I hate seeing him like that but I have to agree with Laura he looks just as handsome with no hair as he does with. I am so sorry to see him suffer. We love your dad. (we have a couple of dogs who think when we sit down they should be right on top of us, lol)

Wilkerson Family said...

Your dad has a tail. Do you remember when that was "cool"? Maybe your dad will bring that trend back. :) I really hope that doesn't come back.

tacy said...

I hate seeing him like this

Alayna said...

Your dad looks amazing bald...kind of sexy! I think he should totally sport the shaved head from now on...complete with tail! That is awesome! Glad he is recovering well.