
Glucklich Stadtvater Tag Vater...

My dad doesn't read my blog...but I'm sure my mom will show this to him..(mom, show this to Dad)....and he will have to translate the title for her.
I didn't buy my dad anything for fathers day because I am flat broke, and usually I just watered the greenhouses for him...but that is a little impossible this time...so I am going write a blog with a few reasons why I love my dad. I would write one reason for every year he is old...but I don't want to get carpal tunnel...so I will just list...maybe 10.
1. He is funny.
2. He swears sometimes.
3. He is the smartest guy I know.
4. He is the smartest guy I know, but he isn't obnoxious about it.
5. He usually remembers the little comments we make about things we like and he gets it for us for Christmas.
6. He is really funny.
7. He swears on occasion.
8. He would let me come to work with him when I was little (if he didn't take Nathan because he usually did let him come cause he is a boy...)
9. He clips magazine articles that I would find interesting and sends them too me.
10. When I was little he would let me dress up in his suit on Sundays after church.
And one more for good measure...
11. Just because he is my dad and a really good one too...


Anonymous said...

This is the perfect Father's Day gift! (but you could have edited the pictures a little).

Anonymous said...

Aww kit...I love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

When you were a baby, dad would put you in the baby pack (like a backpack, only the baby is in front), and he would walk down to the greenhouse. As he was watering each plant, he would carefully tell you the scientific name of each one. I would say, "She doesn't have any idea what you are saying", and he would reply, "she is going to be a great gardener some day, she will remember."

Kevin said...

Great post Katy. I love the old pictures of Durell. And I love that you put his penchant for swearing on your list... twice. ;)

Anonymous said...

katy, great post. that picture of your mom and dad with curly hair KILLS ME! that is comedic GOLDDDDDDDD

tacy said...

you are ALWAYS one upping the rest of us kids! you suck.
Proof you always one up us:
1. You have a degree in HORTICULTURE
2. You don't buy anything for dad yet you end up giving him the best present.
3. You are the oldest and that IS your fault.
4. We all know you are dad's favorite.

Alayna said...

Love the vintage photos. Boy, your mom sure had some bright hair! I didn't know your dad that well, but if he produced you he must be great!

Anonymous said...

I loved your blog! What a great idea for Father's Day. It's even better than a store bought gift or watering the plants at the greenhouse.

tacy said...

Do my eyes decieve me or is dad wearing a polo in that last picture??!?!?! I remember some very harsh comments in regards to polos coming out of his mouth at sometime in his life

Unknown said...

Your dad is the greatest. I love this post. It was so fun seeing your parents look so young. We miss you here in Nauvoo. (I love that he swears...it makes him even more lovable!) Jamie

Anonymous said...

That is such a great fathers day gift. I love the pic of your mom and dad with PERMS!!! The one of you on your dad's shoulders is my fav. Your dad looks kinda like Robert Redford.
Miss ya

C.lee Rand said...

Wow, that seems like a hot way to spend an afternoon. I agree with ja, an ice cold shower can be very refreshing in those conditions. I also agree with mom; seems like a little cool throughout the day would trump trying to cool the entire house at the end of the day.